Monday, January 28, 2013

20 Cultural Values

Here are some cultural values that I think are different from the US.  I would guess that some of these are more pronounced among the middle or upper class, older generations, and those from traditional British families-- but with a ribbon of commonality or understanding among the general population.

  1. Modesty over bragging 
  2. Fitting in over being different
  3. Not calling too much attention to oneself or one's own accomplishments
  4. Avoiding embarrassment for oneself or others
  5. Respect for hierarchy
  6. Importance of manners
  7. Being sensible
  8. Not criticizing people directly (unless in a hierarchy)
  9. Simplicity over fussiness
  10. Less in more
  11. No wasting; buy small quantities
  12. Rooting for the underdog
  13. Being too forward; giving people space
  14. Not being nosy; personal questions or overt friendliness are not to be doled out to just anyone 
  15. "Keep calm and carry on"
  16. The importance of the weather
  17. Humor but not quite the same as US humor
  18. Being self-deprecating
  19. "With a cup of tea in your hand, you can do anything"
  20. "Customer service is not a 'thing'"-- American forms of friendliness particularly in customer service encounters can be viewed as inauthentic and "genericized" to the public; the Lower Village has great customer service due to the natural friendliness of those who work there; Costa Coffee or M&S seem to be exceptions with regard to customer service.

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