Friday, January 4, 2013

Beer at the Cinema and other Happy Moments

Got my single malt scotch. Off to buy kids' underwear.

John and I went to see the James Bond movie, Skyfall.  While seated in the stadium-seated theater, we noticed two uniformed people roll in with concession carts.  One cart was snacks.  The other was beer.

Alcohol is plainly more available here.  On our tour of a popular gym, we were shown the bar.  On our tour of the public leisure centre, there was a pub.  Outside the church, we were offered mulled wine during the Christmas carols.  The shop in the lower village has weekly wine tastings.  The Village Shop offers a winter warm up--a crock pot of warm Ribena, spiked or not.

Department stores like Marks & Spencer sell wine, beer and hard liquor.  On our last shopping trip there, our basket held children's clothes, birthday invitations and Single Malt Scotch.  You can pay for all those items anywhere in the store.  There aren't concerns about customers dropping glass wine bottles toted through children'swear.  (On a related note, kids are welcome at a lot of pubs.)

As John says, "They trust that people will be sensible."

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