Saturday, September 22, 2012

I love Skype

Skype is the most wonderful invention.  We have kept in touch with family and friends using Skype and Face Time.  Michael and Anna spent a good hour one evening just chatting with their cousins in California while watching Steven play Mindcraft and Halo.  There's no pressure to keep the conversation going.  You can just hang out like you're together.  

The other night, we Skyped with Michael's 1st grade teacher and her new 2nd grade class.  It was delightful to chat with the teachers and it was a lot of fun getting questions from the kids about England.  Michael was a real star at answering the questions.  He was thoughtful, quick and to-the-point.  John and I thought it was funny seeing the kids all in t-shirts now that we are used to uniforms.

Questions from 2nd graders:
  • What kinds of food are there in England? (crisps, chips, sausages, beans on toast)
  • Do you celebrate Halloween and Christmas in England? (yes)
  • Do you have a pet in England?  Do people have pets? (no, yes they have dogs and cats)
  • What do you like most about living in England? (our house, being near grandma and grandpa)
  • Is your uniform itchy? (no)
  • Can you talk with an English accent? (sometimes but not right now)
  • Do people play football? (not american football but soccer)
  • I like your sister.  And I like you too.


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