Wednesday, September 5, 2012

For the love of school uniforms

I love school uniforms.  They are really easy.  Though they take some time to put on, no one has to think or question what to wear today.  The kids look really neat.  I love their ties and the bright blue color of their jumpers and cardigans.  There are no fashion comparisons at school, though I will say I can spot a pinafore or cardigan and guess where they got it, having done some research!

Neatness counts at St. Peter's Primary, where "looking smart" is one of the school values.  We have a  family motto: "My sleeve is not a napkin."  You can see the need for such a motto presents all sorts of concerns when it comes to looking smart.  Interestingly, the kids have become more careful while wearing their uniforms, which totally amazes me.  I also pack non-colored foods in their lunch boxes to help the cause.

We ended up getting them each one "good" uniform (the high quality, official logo) and then a couple extra less expensive alternatives.  Michael and Anna each have about 3 of everything, though they each only have 1 pair of school shoes and 1 tie, which is risky but so far okay.

Realistically, I imagine by the time this year is through, we'll have about 20 of everything, but for now, this works.

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