Friday, June 14, 2013

Practically Meeting Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren is one of those smart, classy actresses that seemingly everyone admires.  John and I couldn't get tickets for her London Show, the Audience, but we did wait to catch a glimpse of her coming out of the Gielegud Theatre on our walk back from dinner.  As we waited, the guy at the door took fans' programs and returned them with her autograph.  That seemed a nice thing to do.

When Dame Helen finally emerged, she looked radiant and poised in her pink coat and handbag.  We all listened attentively as she paused to thank everyone for coming and that she appreciated everyone's support and time.  With a smile and a wave, she was ushered to a waiting black Mercedes Benz.  As her car drove off, we all stood there, contented and blessed, as if we'd met the Queen.

Doesn't everyone look happy?

Me with Dame Helen's escape car (and a man who wandered into the picture)

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