What do you want to remember about St. Peter's?
"I want to remember that they had an ICT suite... I liked Pivot Stick Figure Animator. You can animate a stick man that does stuff and I also liked all the other animations like Scratch and Kerpoof. And I like free time so I could watch Minecraft videos in the ICT suite."
"I liked being friends with A and M because we play hide and seek everyday and it's very very fun. I liked playing Minecraft with B."
"We have to eat most of our food."
"The dinner ladies are fun because they open up your Froob. Yeah, and they open up your granola bars when you can't open them yourself."
Miss C.
"She's nice. And fun. And nice and stuff. We learned about World War II and China and Ancient Egypt."
"I liked doing my China project because I worked so hard on it and my mommy was being so nice and bossing me around to do it while I was playing Minecraft.
"I liked today because they are selling food ad I ate toast on the playground. I used my own money that I have in my backpack."
Anna: "On Fridays, we have toast and golden time we can choose something to do like draw."
Next time someone tries to sell me a rocket launcher at the door, I'll be ready. |